Wandering Oaken’s Teeny Tiny Sweater!


This past weekend, I had the privilege to attend the “Women in Animation” panel and Brittney Lee’s papercutting “Learn from the Masters” class at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco (I’ll save those goodies for another time!)

As a thank-you for her instruction, I wanted to make Brittney a little something. While I don’t post about it on my blog very often, I am an avid knitter (mittens, socks, sweaters – you name it!) and this winter I’ve been speeding through lots of pieces. When I saw Brittney’s recent blog post on her costuming work in Frozen and her comments on Oaken’s sweater designs, I knew I had found my next project!

Using size 0 needles and Koigu embroidery thread (from the drool-inducing Purl Soho), I got to work translating Brittney’s digital design to a pattern chart. After establishing the chart, I made up the pattern as I went along, determining the neck and sleeves on the fly. Because of the scale of the sweater and the complexity of the stitch repeats, I wasn’t able to get it 100% accurate, but I’m really pleased with the outcome! The completed project ended up being approximately 5 inches wide by 3 inches tall.

Costume Design from Brittney Lee

Brittney’s rendition of Oaken’s costume, including his lovely sweater!

Wandering Oaken’s sweater in Frozen.

A sense of scale. (Picture from Brittney’s Instagram post)

You can see Brittney’s amazing work on her blog and on her Instagram. You can also find her on Etsy!


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