October 13, 2013
“Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum, Osaka, Japan. The Shiba Ryotaro Museum is the former house of the Japanese author Shiba Ryotaro. Inside, one sees the huge bookshelf which is 11 meters high with 20,000 books in it. With these books the...


Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum, Osaka, Japan. The Shiba Ryotaro Museum is the former house of the Japanese author Shiba Ryotaro. Inside, one sees the huge bookshelf which is 11 meters high with 20,000 books in it. With these books the author wrote about 500 historical novels, essays, critical essays and many other works. The museum was designed by Ando Tadao, a famous Japanese architect, to show the creative world of Shiba Ryotaro. (Photo by Alex Roman)

(via bookmania)

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