Nice meme
Hey there, I'm Tom! :)
I reblog a lot of dumb stuff, mostly for myself to look at.
I also do the occasional livestream of games, and whatnot


are you sick of washing your underpants every goddamned week? i should fucking hope so what a pain in the ass. wouldn’t you like to just not worry about washing your grimy undies for a whole shitstain-free year? well stick a dryer sheet up my butt because you’re in luck. for just 4,000 motherfucking dollars you can forget about touching that ass-cloth for 365 glorious days. every day is a fresh new day for your hairy butt cheeks. and once 2015 rolls around, you’ll have a years worth of dirty underwear to wash you piece of shit.

Post made on 24 April 2014, Thursday at 11.52PM with 79,721 notes.
Originally by officialwhat-deactivated2022091, reblogged via tanknaka.
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