Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



The story of America is a story of progress, however slow, however incomplete, however harshly challenged at each point on our journey, however flawed our leaders, however many times we have to take a quarter of a loaf or half a loaf, the story of America is a story of progress. And that’s true because of men like President Lyndon Baines Johnson… We shall overcome. We, the citizens of the United States. Like Dr. King, like Abraham Lincoln, like countless citizens who have driven this country inexorably forward, President Johnson knew that ours in the end is a story of optimism, a story of achievement and constant striving that is unique upon this Earth. He knew because he had lived that story. He believed that together we can build an America that is more fair, more equal and more free than the one we inherited. He believed we make our own destiny. And in part because of him, we must believe it as well.
  1. kileyrae posted this