Anonymous asked:

I just had something I wanted to say about you're opinions post. Don't you think it is kind of stupid to judge some just off of their opinions? I am strongly against racism, sexism, and homophobia, but I also think people can think whatever they like. If the person with the opinion isn't offending or hurting someone or controlling their lives then nothing is wrong with having racist, sexist, etc. opinions. Basically, it's okay to say "I don't like homosexuals" but not to refuse service to them.

kobetyrant-deactivated20141020 Answer:

What is this separation bigots have with opinions and their real self? why wouldn’t I judge you off your opinions? Your opinions are LITERALLY YOUR THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Ps: if your opinion is dehumanizing to me and millions of other people like me you don’t deserve no ones fucking respect.

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