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  1. eiledon reblogged this from mansplained
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  5. copsandrobots reblogged this from miggylol
  6. skaianettechsupport reblogged this from miggylol
  7. sad-fat-cat-mom reblogged this from timidkoala
  8. thewaysidedreams reblogged this from timidkoala and added:
    TBH, this would be more attractive to me than offensive.
  9. timidkoala reblogged this from miggylol
  10. miggylol reblogged this from mansplained
  11. elfenbankje reblogged this from creepsandbigots
  12. hypnictwitch reblogged this from mansplained and added:
    Oh god, always the Americans correcting the spelling used by every other part of the English-speaking world Hate it so...
  13. wolfgovernment submitted this to mansplained