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A male (former) friend of mine was surprised to hear I hadn’t seen a movie that was popular during our childhoods. I explained that I grew up in a small town so I had missed a lot of movies. He scowled and said “If I lived in a small town, I would watch MORE movies.”

I tried to explain that it was difficult to get movies in a small town, since there was only one small movie rental place that had a poor selection and was far away. (This was before the internet.) Also, small-town culture sees movies as luxuries, treats to be had once in a while, and we weren’t super well off, so my parents weren’t in the habit of renting every movie that came out.

He was dismissive of these explanations, as if the conversation was already over after he’d declared his opinion on the subject. After all, what did I know, I had just lived the experience.

  1. ericrohn said: Lol this is a great one (although it has nothing whatsoever to do with men or gender, these interactions happen with everyone). I have a brother who’s exactly like this. Once his opinion is stated, he feels the conversation has finished.
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