photo post
“ linnealurks:
“ classic-whovian-spinster-aunt:
“ clarabosswald:
“ goodbye i’m gone bye
#perhaps it’s the fact that twelve has a pose all about power and control while clara is all demure #he looks straight into the...

    And in contrast, observe Rose Tyler, BAMF, in promo stills for Series 1:

    Firmly rooted. Looking straight at the camera. NOT smiling.  Even when Nine is guarding her with his body, she’s directly engaging with whatever they’re confronting. And sometimes she’s looking at the viewer, or the action, and Nine is looking at *her*.  She’s a force to be reckoned with. She’s a force to be reckoned with.

  • 9 years ago on July 07, 2014 at 6:41 pm

    reblogged via tintagel-or-cockleshells
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    &. lilac theme by seyche