    I'm anonymous for the little protection is provides. Youtube is massive, there are videos of violence & harassment globally. That is why the report function is so important. Youtube allows the community to police itself. The fact that Pepper could profit from his actions is a flaw in the system, & the community at large. Youtube couldn't exist if it had to employ the quantity of moderators that it would take to police it internally. I'm not absolving them of their failings, but giving context.

    I’m aware of all these things. I’m not saying hiring all those moderators is the answer (though I am unconvinced they don’t actually have the capital). But I’m not one of YouTube’s and Google’s highly paid geniuses working on world solutions, either. They have the resources, they have the mouthpiece, they have the ability to bring this issue to a higher stance and do more to educate their audience and their creators so that the report function works better.

    I don’t have the answer. And I hate not offering answers when flagging a problem. But that’s why Google hires the best, right? To find the right answers. This is an issue it HAS to start focusing on, and it hasn’t. At all. Not out of lack of ability to do so - not out of not realizing there’s an issue going on (it’s more than six months since these allegations started rolling down the hill and I believe more than a year since Lombardo started serving his sentence - you can bet Google execs knew of these things). There is a lack of will to do anything, and that is completely unacceptable.

    The NFL can’t put monitors inside the homes of all their players, either, even if they DID have the money. Yet the sum total of what it has done eclipses what YouTube has done many, many times over. I’d argue what it has done is 100% more what YouTube has done (as a “report button” may, perhaps, considered actually reporting the incident to the police in real life, as anyone who witnesses an incident could).

    1. melissaanelli posted this