Upcoming Cosmo columns

As you may recall, for the last month or so I’ve been writing Cosmopolitan.com’s Sex Talk Realness column. Each week, I interview 2-4 people on their experiences with difference topics related to sex, gender, and relationships - you can find some of my previous stories here, here, here, and here.
Over the next month, I’ll be covering sexting (I would love people who are under 25 for this one, as I’ve already got a couple of over-25s signed up), threesomesanorgasmia (people who have trouble reaching orgasm), abortion, and trans* issues
Can you help with any of these? Email me at rachel dot hills at gmail dot com.
Women and men, straight and queer people all welcome. Age-wise, I’d prefer you were in the general “Cosmo” demographic of 18-35 years old. And all interview subjects are completely anonymous. You will be known only as Woman A, Man B, Person C, etc.
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