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THIS is exactly the problem I have with the current GOP. I am fully aware that Sarah Palin is now a non-issue, and that the only reason she got as much clout as she did was because you fuckheads were dumb enough to tune in to her Reality show, which...

THIS is exactly the problem I have with the current GOP. I am fully aware that Sarah Palin is now a non-issue, and that the only reason she got as much clout as she did was because you fuckheads were dumb enough to tune in to her Reality show, which earned her ratings, which made her think we like her or something equally as offensive to my innards, but regardless….

My point is that I am a Jeffersonian Elitist.  I do not think I am better than anyone because of any single quality or virtue I may or may not possess, but The US Govt isnt where I really WANT the playing field to be level.  I am too damn smart to ever vote for a candidate that reminds me of my friends, or is someone i’d like to ‘have a beer with’  

I was the leaders of the free world to be extensively smarter and more capable than me, or you, or anyone we know casually.

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