April 6, 2014
“ theperksofbeingdornish:
“ ohanameansfamily24:
“ -behindbars:
“ the-grand-highboob:
“ thusmylife:
“ b1ush:
“ condescendingchristian:
oh my god
As a person from California, this is 100% accurate
As a person from Michigan, this...










oh my god

As a person from California, this is 100% accurate

As a person from Michigan, this is 100% accurate

As a person from England I was so confused because I forgot you use the Fahrenheit system 

50 degrees in England 

100 degrees in England


I don’t know why I found the skeletons so funny, it’s almost like they’re dancing really sarcastically?

they’re british skeletons of course they’re dancing sarcastically. 

(via ph4ntasmag0ria)

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    i want to go to a rave where we all wear skeleton costumes and the lights look like fire o.O
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