Gene Doucette Tumblr

Gene Doucette is a science fiction and fantasy author. His science fiction novels include THE SPACESHIP NEXT DOOR and its sequel, THE FREQUENCY OF ALIENS; the techno-thriller FIXER; and the genre mashup UNFICTION. His fantasy books include the IMMORTAL novels (of which there are currently four) and the series of novellas THE IMMORTAL CHRONICLES, as well as the standalone novella EVE. He is currently at work on a fifth book in the IMMORTAL novel series.  In September, 2018, THE SPACESHIP NEXT DOOR will be republished by John Joseph Adams Books, the sci-fi/fantasy imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 
“ I think they forgot something. [x]
nah man, just shout their names and they’ll appear.


I think they forgot something. [x]

nah man, just shout their names and they’ll appear.

(via josefiendd)

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