Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new ‘gang’ way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone. 


I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.

  1. moony-buckets reblogged this from always-smileing and added:
    This is fucking awful. REBLOG TO POTENTIALLY SAVE A LIFE!!!god. People disgust me sometimes….
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  9. always-smileing reblogged this from retirous
  10. redwolf0413 reblogged this from asherashedwings and added:
    Realigning this, this warning WILL SAVE LIVES!
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