Life is a Traffic Jam

Woman of color. Student of Life. Nostalgic. Anti-social people-person. Voracious reader. Likes & Loves: Good music, photography, animals, black and white photos, gadgets, writing, nature, tattoos.


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That man you see there, he is a 92 year old veteran from Norway, who was tortured by the nazis during world war II. 
The upper picture is the picture of the “BOY London” logo, that’s so popular now days.
Then, on the picture under, is a known symbol that were used under by the nazis in World War II. 
Now you can all think of what you’re really wearing.

finally someone made a post about it, everyone’s running around with the Third Reich Eagle on their chests

think about it

yes make it known. nobody ever talks about it.

Thank you for posting this. Salute to the all the veterans!

i love old people look at him look at his face look at those eyes his hair is so white look hes so fucking cute


(via mindlesslully)


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