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"He died?! But this is supposed to be a KIDS MOVIE!"

Massively Underrated Movies [1/?]
↳ Muppet Treasure Island (1996)

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    Cliск Hеrе аnd Trаdе Lacey Nudеs ph0t0s!!!
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  13. coeurdelhistoire reblogged this from delphinidin4 and added:
    YOU SHOT DEAD TOM. NOW DEAD TOM’S DEAD. *SOBS*Dead Tom’s always been dead. That’s why he’s called dead Tom
  14. delphinidin4 reblogged this from maeglinthebold and added:
    I DECLARE A QUOTE OFF!!“Old Tom!” “Aye!” “Real Old Tom!” “Aye!” “Dead Tom!” “Aye-aye!” … “Big Fat Ugly Bugface...
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