The Organic Blonde

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Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Challenge Day 24

Organic nutrition, eco-consciousness, and even living a greener lifestyle is often thought to be for the “upper class”.  Unfortunately, that case can be argued by the disproportionate pricing in eco-friendly and/or organic products and their availability to those in a lower socio-economic group.

Environmental racism goes one step further with a high negative environmental impact in lower income areas.  A chemical plant will look at dumping its toxic waste in low income areas perhaps with the idea that the disenfranchised will not have much of a voice within their communities.

Day 24

What you can do today

Environmental justice has been a concern of people of faith since at least 1987, when the United Church of Christ’s Commission for Racial Justice published a study, Toxic Waste and Race, and coined the term “environmental racism.” Read more about environmental justice at and .

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