My tukul in Amtiman on my last day © Raghu Venugopal
Amtiman, Chad, now seems so far away from here in Europe. However, if I think of sand on the ground and heat on my skin, potholes in the dirt road, and a few pieces of garbage on the ground between...

My tukul in Amtiman on my last day © Raghu Venugopal

Amtiman, Chad, now seems so far away from here in Europe. However, if I think of sand on the ground and heat on my skin, potholes in the dirt road, and a few pieces of garbage on the ground between the expat house and MSF office, I am taken back. Thinking of Amtiman is a powerful, spinning feeling. It’s a bit hard to write since I’m so tired right now. All I can mostly do is sleep and walk around in a bit of a daze. But let me try to write something.

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