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embarking on a new project- “Narratives of the Train”- an exploration of the New York City Subway

I took and African-American studies course last semester that had a creative project component to it. The topic was Ugly Beauty. It took me a few weeks to focus in on a topic that covered an adjective that was so unwieldy. It was during those weeks that I studied the infamous Goetz trial in my History of American Law class. It was a profound event that marked the racism, violence and fear that had over-run New York City and its people during the 80’s and 90’s, much like the Central Park Jogger case. This trial, along with reading The Dutchman inspired me to write a series of poems that explore the “Ugly Beauty” present in the New York subway. These are poems inspired by true events I have witnessed or have heard about. It is an open ended project that I see as a work in progress. I will post when I have found a new narrative I would like to explore.
