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Hey Mathilda, My name is Tim and I am 23. I just stumbled across your blog because of the last post you reblogged. I am here just to tell you that all of these feelings that you are having where you are down on yourself, you are anxious and you feel like you want to end it all, will pass as you get older and you have more experiences with life. When I was 17 i tried to kill myself via overdose and i am so glad it didn't work. Just letting you know things get better, life improves! Hang in there

Thank you for sending me that, that’s kind, indeed. And thank you for caring about be ! I’m glad to tell you that I’m slowly getting better. Now I have a boyfriend and I don’t wanna die anymore. I’m still struggling with self harm but I hope it’ll get better. I hope you’re feeling awesome cause you’re an amazing person xx

  1. a-cut-to-wonderland posted this