September 24, 2013

The first rule of chess etiquette is to shake hands with the players before and after the game.

“I decided that Jinxie was watching way too many movies, so to keep him away from the TV, I bought him a chess game. It didn’t take him long to learn how to play, and once he felt that he was really good at it, he challenged Georgie to a chess match. They took the chess game up onto our roof, where it was sunny and warm, and used one of the vents as a chess table. I was really happy to see George and Jinx enjoying the new chess game I bought, but then Jinxie caught George cheating! Poor George found out the hard way that Jinxie doesn’t like to lose!”

Photos/caption by ©Liv

1:08pm  |   URL:
Filed under: cats game chess brawl fight 
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    That’s usually how all board games end up…
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