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Verily, the planet is on the cusp of an incredible 3D revolution and we should all be excited! But I’m not. To hell with 3D. If I could change one thing about the cinema-going experience – other than shooting bloody Pearl & Dean into the sun – it would be to watch every blockbuster in IMAX. That would be a genuine improvement.

3D is just another gimmick, right down there with Smell-O-Vision, electric shocks coming through the seat, vibrating cinema chairs and, of course, the last 17 times that the industry has tried to make 3D into the Next Big Thing. And we still don’t need it. I’ve never, ever seen a 3D movie that so much as breathed softly on my socks, never mind blew them off.

Why 3D TV is just a pointless gimmick

I don’t remember who said it, but the quote is “A great 2D movie is 3D."  That sounds about right.  And you’re not going to keep ripping me off to see a movie in 3D.  It’s just not that much of a draw.

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