7 Notes

This album’s going to change your life.
It’s not out yet, but, man, when it hits, look out.
Adam WarRock’s my boy, but me telling you to listen to him has got nothing to do with that. He’s just a phenomenal lyricist and musician.
I cannot tell you...

This album’s going to change your life.

It’s not out yet, but, man, when it hits, look out.

Adam WarRock’s my boy, but me telling you to listen to him has got nothing to do with that. He’s just a phenomenal lyricist and musician.

I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to some of his songs to make myself remember that the path I’m on is the right one.

I don’t know of a way to tell you more sincerely how proud I am to be associated with someone this talented and how glad I am we’re friends.



  1. thechrishaley posted this

