St. Bernard's Pass

My name is Brandon Bernard. I'm the graphic designer for the Topps KICK soccer trading card app. Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently living in Brooklyn, NY. This is my online repository for inspiration and stuff I just plain like. Unless otherwise specified, the work here is not mine.


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    Metropolis (1927) - Anonymous Die Nibelungen (1924) - Martin Lehmann Madame Dubarry (1919) - Theo Matejko Five Minutes Too Late   - Josef Fenneker Dr. Mabuse (1921/22) - Theo Matejko Faust (1925) - Karl Michel Woman in the Moon - Alfred Herrmann On Leave but Still on Duty - Paul Aigner


    Poster art from UFA, the great German film studio that was home to directors like Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, G.W. Pabst, & Ernst Lubitsch during the Weimar era (click on individual posters for hi-res/film & artist info).



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