St. Bernard's Pass

My name is Brandon Bernard. I'm the graphic designer for the Topps KICK soccer trading card app. Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, currently living in Brooklyn, NY. This is my online repository for inspiration and stuff I just plain like. Unless otherwise specified, the work here is not mine.


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    Jon Smith

    Looking through a few blogs here and there and came across some work by Jon Smith. First thing that drew me to the images was the colour choice, I think the dark blues and pinkish reds gives the images such a nice look to them, the car one looking like the sort of thing you would see on the wall in Scarface. Also the use of the red and blue which mixes in the effect that is used to place the colour for the car is brilliant and it’s these textures that I really like about these images, it’s a sort of gritty look to it. The images have unusual uses of depth, they do not show depth so much in them but that almost flat but not quite is different to other pieces of work. By putting the text in with the image rather then across the poster makes the main focus the image and it’s unusual scattering actually adds to the poster as whole.

    The second image uses the same sort of unusual flat but not quite flat effect on background centre building and front gives an almost collage like look and real nostalgic hand-made element as if this work is actually quite old. In fact looking on Smith’s website all of his work (I have seen so far) has quite a retro look to them which is very nice, he also works a fair few other bands like Elvis Costello which you can’t beat and The Black Keys and if you like that sort of thing or not it’s worth having a look.

    Posted by Liam.

    I had to edit this in because I didn’t even realise the “Fitz” for the grill of the car. Looks great.

    (via processrepeat)


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