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Analysis of soil sample GA061111.

The 200g soil sample was received on 5th Nov 2011. Its radioactivity was examined by Geiger and Scintillation counters, giving approximately 1.25uSv/h at the surface of the polythene packet.  About 100g was removed and sent to ESG (formerly Harwell) laboratory for high resolution gamma spectrometry and determination of Plutonium 239+240. 100g was also sent to the University of Regensburg for the same high resolution gamma spectrometry. 20g was sent to Microtrace in Germany for ICPMS determination of Uranium.

Results for the ESG determinations were returned on 15th December. The gamma spectrum was analysed by ESG and also the data was set here and independently analysed by me using the FitzPeaks program.

The University of Regensburg refused to analyse the sample and discarded it.

Gamma results show moderately high levels of Caesium 134 and Caesium 137 plus some other fission product nuclides e.g. Rhodium-102, Silver 110m  Also found are significant levels of Lead-210.

No plutonium was reported above the limit of 0.6Bq/kg

No Americium was found in the gamma spectrum above the limit of 30Bq/kg.

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