May 27, 2014








Saw this preview of Outlaw Prophey on Lifetime. Still don’t know if I’m going to watch it yet. Tony looks really good and there is a clip of him, naked on a bed surrounded by the sister-wives…still the premise is so icky. Although, I saw this promo during the movies based the VC Andrews book and they were pretty icky too….



I am extremely scared and turned on at the same time.

So that’s how we can feel God now, huh???…..HAHAHAHA….What the hell???!!!….

Lol I just cannot!

Reblogging to watch later

(via baronessvondengler)

  1. blackstaraura reblogged this from bloglindab
  2. bloglindab reblogged this from case32 and added:
    the devil IS a lair, whyyyyy! I need Tony even more now, as if I wasn’t already unnaturally fixated on everything about...
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  8. thefandomdropout reblogged this from blackstaraura and added:
    That gif !!! His voice !! His hand placement while asking “You feel God?!” What the fuck is life ?!?! Where are my...
  9. torisoulphoenix reblogged this from blackstaraura and added:
    Girl, you should have been around last night when the promo first hit Tumblr. We all went crazy at the God line. Lovenia...
  10. meridiandreams reblogged this from wthscandal and added:
    And this is what happens when I step away from Tumblr for a couple of days?!?!?!! Here for it. Totally here for Tony...
  11. mochaalmond reblogged this from loveniaimani and added:
    LMAO You slay me! These people on this train probably think I have lost my mind I’m giggling with tears flowing, and...
  12. missjonesie99 reblogged this from blackstaraura and added:
    THE SEX SCENE THO!!!!!! 😱😱😱