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To admit, I was stuck in the dark for more than 8 years… But now I can say that my life is pretty well worth living.

To admit, I was stuck in the dark for more than 8 years… But now I can say that my life is pretty well worth living.

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Erin's bookshelf

The Bell Jar
The Golden Compass
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Artemis Fowl
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Ella Enchanted
Angels and Demons
Animal Farm
A Clockwork Orange
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Subtle Knife
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Secret Garden
Anne of Green Gables
The Amber Spyglass

Erin Safley's favorite books »
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