The Smile Epidemic

Our mission is to create "The Happiest Community on Earth", a digital place of effortless belonging where people can safely share what makes them happy and discover what makes others happy. Essentially we are a: Social Digital Gratitude Journal :) We ask people to be mindful of the simple things in life that bring us happiness and believe that taking note of what makes you smile for 30 days can change the way you look at the world. Please share something Step 1 - Take note of something that made you smile. Step 2 - Take a picture of yourself with the note in front of your smile. Step 3 – Share it with us and the world :) NOTE: Look for the submit button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen or email it to us at: Creative Commons License
The Smile Epidemic by James Moss is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. #Smiles #Happiness #Gratitude #Smiling


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Other Social Smile Spots

Have you smile-bombed anyone yet?

Super easy way to make someones day…

1) Take a piece of paper draw a smile on it

2) Write why someone makes you smile on it

3) Leave it somewhere they are sure to stumble across it

4) Be certain to bring a smile to their face when they find it

Smile Bomb = Super fun


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