
Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day




Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) is widely believed to be the world’s first computer programmer. The only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke, young Ada followed in her mother’s footsteps and began studying math, which was quite uncommon for a lady in that time. Ada’s notes (which were longer than the actual book!) on a translation of The Analytic Engine by Luigi Menabrea, an Italian engineer, showed a profound understanding programming analytics, even deeper that the ideas of the original author. She saw beyond the document she was assigned to translate, realizing that what would eventually be called the computer could have a use outside of mathematical calculations. Though the engine was not completed in her lifetime, Ada’s notes on the first algorithm to be used on a computer set the stage for the technological systems we all are accustomed to today. Of course there were some haters but Ada’s contributions to modern computing are celebrated each year on Ada Lovelace Day.

If you are in the London area don’t miss Finding Ada  and The Women’s Engineering Society’s event on October 16th, and join in Wikipedia’s Edit-A-Thon in person or online, which will boost the Wiki pages of several  leading ladies in STEM.

Malikah Kelly is an e-commerce and digital communications pro and Digital Girls Club contributer currently based in Milan, Italy.