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Wanted: embossing machine

As you can see, I’ve not been up to much. People keep writing to say I’ve not updated the blog recently and that they need more entertainment reading material at work… I understand that, but I can’t write about nothing!

I’ve had dancing competitions every weekend for the last three weekends. You already knew about the first highland competition I did… So after that was just a little feis run by the WA Irish Dance Association–the details of which I won’t go into, at the risk of sounding bitter. Oh wait.

This past weekend was the WA State Highland Dance Championships, at which I danced abysmally and scraped a 3rd in the Seann Triubhas–and that’s all I have to show for it. I’m realising now more than ever that it’s very seriously getting to be that time to hang up the highland ghilles for good, and get behind the judge’s table. The Western Australian queen of highland dancing, Kerry Grosser, hosted a wonderful BBQ at her house after, where I met some of the most delightful people, including the judges from the championship, and two WA highland dance moms that have every intention of coming to the Quechee highland games this year and entering as adults–probably intoxicated… They’re expecting my embossed invitation by post shortly after my return to the states.

I suppose you could say I have yet another dancing competition next weekend, as well. The only minor detail is, it’s the World Irish Dancing Championships (42nd edition) in Belfast, Ireland… It’s 1:18am now on the 3rd of April, and doesn’t my flight depart for Singapore at 3:55pm “today”… But have I done anything at all to prepare for said departure? Absolutely not. That includes laundry… Awkward. Busy morning ahead, clearly!!! I’ll do my best to post regularly on the way like I did coming here, because I’m going through Singapore and London: places where hilarity is known to frequent…

So that’s really all for now–much more to come within the next 48 hours, I’d say. As for Perth itself, really nothing to report. Pretty boring, so just keeping my head down, shutting up and doing my thing.

Very good–send me good vibes for first class upgrades on the way! That’s a command, not a request.

Blog soon!

Oh, and also, when an Australian toilet gets clogged, you apparently don’t use a plunger to fix it, because the hole is too big and the water is too shallow… You poke the blockage further down with the toilet brush… Go figure.