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Why BIGBANG appears in “Intimate note”?!

Rating: I would say PG or PG-13 (one scene take place in a inapropriate place and a object is inapropriate for underage people but nothing really sexual or violent!!) so I don’t really know (I’m not the best one for rating!!)

Genre: Humor, Veangeance, Friendship

Disclaimer: I only own BIGBANG in my dream and if one day I can have just one of them I’ll never tell you XP 

But I own the awful style & all the mistakes…. And all of this just happen in my head…. Nothing real…

It’s the first fic I ever posted on the web, and I’m not a native speaker so please excuse all my mistakes! (corrected by maiki_rashu you should read her wonderfuls fics (on LJ))

It’s inspired by “Intimate note” with BIGBANG. 

(you can watch it here &


I’m not a native speaker so it’s probably awful (Let me know what you think) 

“ YoungBae was really mad at his dongsaengs! He usually didn’t care that much about being the victim of SeungRi’s pranks, but this time, the maknae went way too far. He even dragged the “so respectful of his elders” DaeSung in this. Aish, it really pissed him off, to the point he had to think about a worth punishment that would freak his dongsaengs out and make sure they wouldn’t dare to make fun of him and his never once dated life any time soon… “

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  1. beg2mi posted this
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