April 16, 2014





is it weird that I eat lemons and salt

only if you don’t add tequila

I don’t I just cut it in half and put some salt on it and eat it

Thats some real Mexican shit

I do this!!!

(via motherofpalms-deactivated202003)

  1. torchic-a reblogged this from hanging-gloves and added:
    Dis me
  2. rude-ass-karma reblogged this from hanging-gloves and added:
    I eat lemon with some sazón de pollo 😳 it’s delicious!
  3. vanemanu-blog reblogged this from verdeblancoyrojo
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  10. 1976and1982 reblogged this from chyeahlex16
  11. purochingona-blog reblogged this from verdeblancoyrojo and added:
    I do that with limes too
  12. all-u-needislove reblogged this from verdeblancoyrojo
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  16. honeytones-blog reblogged this from goth-aunt and added:
    I was just telling my parents I could eat a plate of lemons and salt. When my friend would throw parties, I would just...
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