“ Walk through a giant 115 feet tall replica of the human body at the Corpus Science Museum in the Netherlands. Your Fantastic Voyage through the museum starts with an escalator ride into an open sore on your giant victim’s leg and... anachoretique:
“ Walk through a giant 115 feet tall replica of the human body at the Corpus Science Museum in the Netherlands. Your Fantastic Voyage through the museum starts with an escalator ride into an open sore on your giant victim’s leg and...


Walk through a giant 115 feet tall replica of the human body at the Corpus Science Museum in the Netherlands. Your Fantastic Voyage through the museum starts with an escalator ride into an open sore on your giant victim’s leg and ends among the pulsing neurons in his brain.  Explore the ventricles of the heart….

Reblogged from Robyn's Funtime Show

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I'm Matt. I like science, James Bond movies, and the pedal steel guitar. I do the Superego, I Was There Too, James Bonding, and Pistol Shrimps Radio podcasts. Check out Stay Tuned Vol. 1 You can also learn more about me at 101 People More Normal Than You.


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