““Yeah, I’m pleased as Punch the Magic Dragon to be here, and I’ll tell you what else: if y’all weren’t sitting there in your marching band leathers doin’ a buncha dick paradiddles on each other’s forehead, maybe we could get half a... facebusterdeluxe:
““Yeah, I’m pleased as Punch the Magic Dragon to be here, and I’ll tell you what else: if y’all weren’t sitting there in your marching band leathers doin’ a buncha dick paradiddles on each other’s forehead, maybe we could get half a...


“Yeah, I’m pleased as Punch the Magic Dragon to be here, and I’ll tell you what else: if y’all weren’t sitting there in your marching band leathers doin’ a buncha dick paradiddles on each other’s forehead, maybe we could get half a somewhere…”

Reblogged from Facebuster Deluxe

 ·  25 notes

25 Notes

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I'm Matt. I like science, James Bond movies, and the pedal steel guitar. I do the Superego, I Was There Too, James Bonding, and Pistol Shrimps Radio podcasts. Check out Stay Tuned Vol. 1 You can also learn more about me at 101 People More Normal Than You.


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