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    [tw: transmisogyny]






    An average day’s worth of straight men in Amiyah Scott’s mentions. It’s one thing to dislike someone and to talk about them, but to go into their mentions?

    They’re obsessed.

    This is so terrifying

    This isn’t about disliking someone, this is transmisogyny, transmisogynoir, transophobia. This is hatred, in the strongest form. All these folks in her mentions can burn in a fire, get hit by a bus, whatever they aren’t deemed worth living to me. This is how unsafe Black Transwomen are, they can’t even exist in the comfort of their own space at home, on the internet without threats of violence, this horrific, and disgusting.

    and what makes me so mad, and what’s an attitude that really needs to be fucking addressed in our community, is that so many of these men are threatening violence against her because they believe she’s trying to trick them. like this is how the media fucks with our perceptions because trans women have always been set up as a ‘trap’ to threaten the sexuality of the hetero-hypermale. they are operating within the myth that a) black women’s bodies automatically belong to black men for the pursuit of their pleasure and b) trans women’s bodies are ‘false’ and ‘deceitful’ female bodies, and by merely existing they are a threat to male heterosexuality.

    trans women’s bodies are women’s bodies. women’s bodies belong to themselves. the world does not revolve around your shriveled ego and the satisfaction of your tragic libido.

    (via itspaidaa)


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