
Wibke; 25; graphic designer & photgrapher

“ Do it and share your results! Mine is get a lesson in delayed gratification from Capt. Nichols on a boat in the Thames! To which I say hell to the yes
“Have a romantic dinner with Loki at midnight in Paris.”
….really good! :D


Do it and share your results! Mine is get a lesson in delayed gratification from Capt. Nichols on a boat in the Thames! To which I say hell to the yes

“Have a romantic dinner with Loki at midnight in Paris.”

….really good! :D

26 notes:

  1. katewatso reblogged this from neither-blue-nor-green and added:
    'Have a threesome with Chris Hemsworth and Prince Hal on the back of a dragon' oh…
  2. love-the-tragically-beautiful reblogged this from justahopeless-dreamer and added:
    Get a lesson in Delayed Gratification from Tom himself at midnight in Paris….yes, yes, a million times yes!...
  3. justahopeless-dreamer reblogged this from balance0fprobability and added:
    thanks *hugs backs* it’s just one of those “I hate people and I hate my future colleagues ” kind of day, but I’m feelin’...
  4. anneluciaf reblogged this from mother-of-a-murder-archives and added:
    Play Hide and Seek with Edward in the back of a Jaguar…
  5. mother-of-a-murder-archives reblogged this from balance0fprobability and added:
    Saving the universe with Magnus in the Jaguar. HELLZ YEAH!
  6. balance0fprobability reblogged this from justahopeless-dreamer and added:
    justahopeless-dreamer Bad morning?! Oh no! *hugs* Hope your day improves, love. I’m here if you wanna hash it out. I...
  7. omixedsk reblogged this from ivymysticsparrow
  8. hallotom reblogged this from neither-blue-nor-green and added:
    I can live with “get an engagement ring from Adam on a Deserted Island”
  9. badhiddlespun reblogged this from neither-blue-nor-green and added:
    Kiss Oakley in the back of a Jaguar. OH YESSSSSSSSSSSS
  10. wiesels reblogged this from ivymysticsparrow and added:
    “Have a romantic dinner with Loki at midnight in Paris.” ….really good! :D
  11. missgentlewoman reblogged this from ivymysticsparrow and added:
    take a bubble bath with William Buxton on a boat on the Thames. oh yesssssssssssss
  12. ivymysticsparrow posted this