Constitutionally Modern DIY

Modern, funky craft/DIY creations. Good for gifts or yourself.

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Making things. Affordable and accomplishable things.

Suitable for amateurs, average Janes/Joes.**

**Particularly useful for urbanites lacking power tools or even a kitchen table.

Whenever I goshdarn can. Lay off me.

Because looking at other people's ideas is awesome fodder for my noggin so shouldn't I share a decent idea that someone else can make perfect? Send me a pic if you make something similar to what I post!

I am Lynn. I'm an urban planner by training, and a maker of random items by vocational calling. I do my projects in my apartment in Brooklyn, or on the stoop or roof. If you see a 5' 3 7/8" female breaking concrete blocks out on your street, you probably live on my block.


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I reblogged a paint chip egg garland (from Modern Parents Messy Kids) last week.  Here’s a pic of how mine turned out.  I love it.


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