Geek Studio

Rules of Heroics

I’ve got a new project in mind and need some help from you guys! I’m making a list of the Rules of Heroics. Basically a list of the things that heroes stereotypically do in movies, shows, and comics. 

Also, look here for the Rules of Villainy list.

Ideas so far:

  1. Never look at an explosion.
  2. Declare your protection of a loved one loudly for all to hear. 
  3. Wear spandex.
  4. Stare dramatically into the distance.
  5. Rip the IV drip out of your arm as soon as you wake up in a hospital bed.
  6. Run headfirst into a situation without evaluation.
  7. “This looks like a job for ________!”
  8. Prepare witty lines to throw at the villain.
  9. Save people trapped in out of control trains, buses, cars, planes, etc.
  10. Have a clever catch phrase.
  11. Never just stand by when a child is crying.
  12. Make sure you leave your love one as vulnerable as possible so that the villain can kidnap them.
  13. Make sure everyone is about to lose hope then swoop in and save the day at the last minute.
  14. Be obnoxiously righteous.
  15. Scout out the best places to stand for wind to dramatically blow loose hair and clothes.
  16. Yell out the name of your attack.
  17. Have a tragic backstory.
  18. Don’t kill the villain. Just put them in prison.
  19. Have great hair.
  20. Strike a heroic pose often.
  21. A dramatic entrance is everything.
  22. Have a double life with a useful, crime related career.
  23. Find the tiny flaw in the villains ‘perfect trap’.
  24. Always have an epic playlist/soundtrack for all your actions.
  25. Always save puppies and kittens.
  26. Always believe in everyone else more than you believe in yourself.
  27. Remember how the villain has your significant other so that you can overcome death at the last minute.
  28. Be sure to have either a totally normal childhood or a wildly tragic one—nothing in between.
  29. Have a secret identity.
  30. Always have a spectacular mode of transportation.
  31. Capes. Enough said.
  32. Make sure your teeth sparkle in the sunlight.
  33. Never kill the villain. Just put them in an insecure prison.
  34. Always be surprised that the villain broke out of prison, even it has happened twice this week already.
  35. Be able to hit your targets.
  36. Make mistakes, so you’re believable.
  37. If you have a tragic backstory, only reveal it to your true love, preferably at the worst possible time.
  38. Be betrayed by your closest friend.
  39. Push your loved one away to keep them safe.
  40. Always be connect to the villain in some way; brother, father, uncle, professor, ex, etc
  41. Never kill the villain at the first chance you get. You need to wait until you’re almost defeated and totally weak.

I’ll keep updating this list as I get suggestions. So help me out! 

What are some of the Rules of Heroics?


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