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Pigeons - Sky Rat or Useful Bird?

According to signs displayed in various cities around the UK, the fine for feeding pigeons is £2500. After researching into this, I learned that this fine is more than for possesion of crack cocaine or assaulting a police officer. This prompted me to start a diary, recording observations of peoples attitudes towards pigeons. The colour of the book is in red due to the starting point of of my interest being a red ‘DO NOT FEED’ sign. I wanted to remain unbias and neutral throughout my observations so the typeface used was Helvetica. The spine has remined exposed due to the nature of the book.

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    Sometimes the most bizarre subjects matters, can be brilliant. This design is simple but extremely effective. They have...
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  11. oliveramy reblogged this from ipen and added:
    Lol, I agree with Ipen. I’m not opposed to Helvetica in red, reminds me of it’s original Swiss use, however, there are a...
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    Para todos los amantes de las palomas! ja!
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