:: Where to start…
After last year’s basically disrespectful treatment of gamers by their beloved studios, I really wasn’t expecting much. Thought maybe we’d get more talk about useless hardware and online services we don’t care about. Surprisingly though, I think we were finally listened to. After spending the last four days studying the movements of Microsoft, Bungie, Nintendo, Sony, and the rest - it seems like this years gaming conference finally decided to hook us up with…games! 

MS oddly showed off tons of indie games. A move you’d normally only see from guys like VALVe. While I’m kind’ve over the whole indie game scene, I think it shows great humility in giants to hand their mic over to some up-and-comers. MAYBE this means that they’re starting to see their AAA titles……..suck. 
Sony blew me away with the “Sony TV” and “Project Morpheus”. While being hardware titles, they were simple, not forced, and did nothing but hook us up. ALMOST like they were cautious to play with the tempers of us gamers that want to skip the foreplay and get straight to great gaming!
Nintendo did their thang. Always on their own, and in a move to battle mockery from lack of sales, slapped us in the faces with a ton of amazing titles. Well played
I don’t care about Ubisoft  or EA…their money hungry monsters out to try and turn a major part of my life into a neatly packaged Nickleback of gaming. 

Biggest Surprise: Some may say they knew about it, but in reality it was all just rumors until it popped up on screen - Halo the Master Chief Collection! It’s like the OrangeBox of 343…bringing fanboys the game we’ve wanted for a couple years now (Halo2 HD). I should add that Grim Fandango WOULD get this slot, but…knowing I’ll never play it takes away some of the glitz. 
Most Anticipated Title:
Obviously, the game I’ve been drooling over for a year now…Destiny. Nothing is going to sway my heart-eyes from staring straight at Bungie. Until I get hands-on with this thing…I’m biasedly in love. Everything we were shown last year, was only strengthened, and built up by people that got into the hands-on sessions. It’s the best mixtures of FPS and MMORPG, blending Halo’s style with WoW-like mechanics. 
The “Take My Money” Award: I haven’t said this in a while, and my N64 fanboy heart is palpitating when I say that Nintendo left my eyes glazed over with anticipation! So many amazing titles, such a simple/straight to the point presentation. The big N just gave me what I wanted…it’s like they jumped into my head while I was dreaming. I’ll definitely be buying a Wii U asap! 
Won The Show: This may surprise some, because it’s a Playstation title, but No Man’s Sky is the game I can’t stop thinking about. All week, when people ask me to show them something, I start with this trailer. I don’t care if it’s ‘too good to be true’ or on a system that I might never buy…it still wins E3 this year! 

Overall, the theme seemed to be centred around vast-multiplayer experiences. Lots of four player co-op, third party integration, online support, and sandbox universes. All of which are great, none of which I necessarily cared about. Again, all I wanted was GOOD GAMES - and I was satisfied.
BUT MORE THAN THAT - and stay with me here for a second - this week renewed my gamer spirit. Brothers and sisters let me admit something to you. For the past few years, my inner child has been dying. The way that big corporations have been straight up raping videogames has left me disheartened. To the point where I wanted to sell everything and just stick with my WoW and Halo. I mean…life gets busier the older you get…but everyone has their hobbies and passions >>> I was letting mine fade. 
It was so great seeing the titles being worked on, and how they at least look as if companies are finally starting to listen to gamers and dev’s again. This all took me back to the days of Nintendo Power; reading about a slew of games I wanted to play…instead of just one or two. I’m going to buy two new systems, at least 5 new games, and I’m going to spend the next two years nerding out with my friends over all of it! 

Please, PLEASE share your thoughts. Write comments, leave your top pics and things you’re looking forward to! 

If you want to look back at everything I posted this week…