“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
“Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.


Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.

(via fruitsaladchewits-deactivated20)

April 21, 2014 950965 0 Share this

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    Aw man the wwf funds my childhood favorite zoo and nature magazines i even have some wwf merch im disappointed
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