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“ Can’t believe we neglected to wish everyone a happy Ada Lovelace Day yesterday!
Ada Lovelace was a female mathematician born in 1815 who worked with Charles Babbage on one of the earliest computers.
Of particular interest to us at...


Can’t believe we neglected to wish everyone a happy Ada Lovelace Day yesterday! 

Ada Lovelace was a female mathematician born in 1815 who worked with Charles Babbage on one of the earliest computers.

Of particular interest to us at the Feminist Press, she was an accomplished science writer- she wrote explanations for how the innovative machine worked and indeed how to program the early computer. Science writing is its own talent, and she proved her abilities and in-depth analytic understanding through her writing. 

She proves women have long been making important strides in STEM fields like mathematics and computer programming. And yet still women in science are rarely acknowledged or encouraged. 

Come discuss modern day issues for women in science at our FREE event, STEMinism, next Thursday! Register here!


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