Valkyrie’s Judgment: WA Review/Preview

Valkyrie's Judgment


Aeliss grew up as a noble, far from the reaches of the criminal underworld.

Never had she thought that she would end up as an assassin’s apprentice, and later become the assassin known as Valkyrie. A valkyrie, the female warrior who judged who should die on the battlefield. In this case the battlefield of the criminal world.

But can a valkyrie fall in love with a human? Especially a human who’s judgment already have been passed?

These were my real-time thoughts as I read it:

Part 1

We meet our MC, Aeliss, perched on a branch of a tree somewhere in a forest. 

She’s supposed to be at a meeting with her grandfather and the Alder family. Apparently they’re supposed to be discussing some sort alliance between the Wryngardes (her family) and the Alders … basically and arranged marriage between Aeliss and this one dude, Damian Alder.

She doesn’t seem to like Damien much, who just wants her as a ‘trophy wife’ because of her beauty, which is why she’s hiding out in the woods. 

When she jumps down from the tree, she’s bumps into her brother Atticus. Just as she’s explaining to Atticus why she doesn’t want to marry the Adler heir, he spots them. Yikes, looks like she can’t run now.

Part 2 

Aeliss has no choice but to go back to the Wryngarde Estate with Damien. When they enter a room in the estate they find Kiar, Aeliss’ stern looking Grandfather waiting for them.

When the meeting finally begins and Kiar 'officially’ informs Aeliss that she is to wed Damian, she flatly refuses and storms out. Damian can’t believe it (must be pretty full of himself not to notice she doesn’t like him. I don’t think Kiar’s going to let her get away with this, though, is he?

Part 3

Aeliss sneaks out of the estate, dressed 'un-lady-like’ with a hood over her head so that no one can spot her. She heads down town and enters a local tavern where she orders and ale.

At the bar’s counter she notices a dark and husky looking man who seems to be getting a lot of attention from the other men in the tavern. One of the locals provokes the man and a fight breaks out. Aeliss watches in awe as the mysterious man skillfully takes down his attackers.

The man pays for his drink and promptly leaves. When Aeliss asks about him, the barmaid tells her that his name is Vo'ray Shaw … and is one of the most deadly assassins in the land.

Part 4

When Aeliss returns to the estate, one of the servants tells her that her grandfather is waiting for her in his study. 

He furiously tells her that she embarrassed him at the meeting with the Adlers, and when she refuse to marry Damien again, she hits her, knocking her to the ground – what a baddie! Surprisingly, Aeliss burst into laughter??? She’s really something else isn’t she? 

When she speaks out of turn again, her grandfather, the bastard, hits her again knocking her out completely. What a fiend!

Part 5

When she wakes up, she’s lying in her bed, with Atticus seated by her side. He apologizes for not doing anything to stop their Grandfather from striking her, I can tell his very miserable and guilty for not stepping up for his sister whom he’s promised to protect since their parents’ death.

A few days later after Aeliss recovers from her - er - beating (that’s such a bad word), her wedding to Damien is about to begin.

As she is sitting alone in her room, in the final moments of her freedom, she does something extremely unexpected … she cuts off her long blonde hair?! What tha –

Part 6

Looks like she’s made up her mind to flee from the Wryngarde Estate. She quickly gathers and packs of her belongings. She grabs her coat and bag, leaves her room, making her way carefully down the hall … it’ll be all over if she’s spotted.

She heads up to her Grandfather’s study first and steals back the knife/heirloom that belonged to her father, then it’s back to the main hallway. There’s too many people at the entrance, she has create some kind of distraction …

She manages to trip up one of the maids carrying a tray of glasses. Whilst everyone turns their attention on the maid, Aeliss bolts out of the front doors and she’s gone, baby, gone …

This Fantasy/Action continues here: and then let me know whet you think in the comments below!

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Valkyrie's Judgment

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