April 23, 2012
Why We Need to Keep Talking About the White Girls on Girls

Of the many articles I’ve read about the ongoing conversation about the dearth of roles for POC in TV and film and now specifically on Dunham’s latest effort, Girls, I found this article to most succinctly “get it” on the race front.  It’s not about throwing mud in the face of a woman who is at the helm of her own show, but holding such a “pioneering” show accountable and part of the larger issue/discussion when it comes to the lack of non-stereotyped and varied roles for POC in TV and film.    

I will say that I was very excited for Girls.  While watching the first episode, I definitely got all the ironic jokes, but just wasn’t laughing last Sunday.  I don’t know if it was my over-identification on some fronts and feeling uneasy looking in the mirror of my own missteps post-grad (I’m guilty of saying the whole McDonalds/college educated comment before), but I just couldn’t empathize or find humor in the characters ballooned entitlement.  But that’s supposed to be part of the humor of the show, right?

Sometimes it’s hard to judge an entire show based on 20 minutes, so I’ll give it another try.  Thoughts?   

  1. colourcore posted this
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