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It’s all in the packaging


Since we showed off some of our lovely bird cake toppers on our last post, I thought this would be a good opportunity to show you all a bit about what goes along with them: pretty packaging!

Packaging is one more way to let our customers know that we love our handmade pieces, and are happy to send them on to their new homes in the prettiest way possible.

The birds are carefully wrapped, padded with bubble wrap, sealed up with decorative washi tape and a custom sticker, and then given the royal treatment with a snazzy organza bag. I always make sure to include a care card and a quick thank you with every order to ensure all of our brides know they are loved and appreciated. 


I have almost as much fun packing the orders as I do when I am making them.  Being sure that every order will arrive safely and beautifully means a lot to me, and having packaging that makes it happen is just the icing on the cake.

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