Quality body piercing and tattoos in San Francisco, CA. Posting photos of piercings and tattoos we've done, fine jewelry we stock, anthropological articles and travel photos by Paul King, and whatever else strikes our fancy.
Open 12 to 8pm seven days a week.
1783 Haight St.
The solid 14 karat rose gold and genuine opal threadless piece we custom ordered from Body Vision Los Angeles for this lovely lady came in and she was so excited to finally get to wear it! This opal had a very subtly, but absolutely lovely fire to...

The solid 14 karat rose gold and genuine opal threadless piece we custom ordered from Body Vision Los Angeles for this lovely lady came in and she was so excited to finally get to wear it! This opal had a very subtly, but absolutely lovely fire to it, and rose gold and opal will always be one of our favorite combinations!

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