Scavenganza Challenge #60: Supermarket Superhero


Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to be a superhero? To live that glamorous life and experience the joy of performing heroic acts? Here’s your chance.

Dress up as a superhero (one that’s well-known, or one of your own invention) and visit a supermarket parking lot. Find someone leaving the store with a cart full of groceries, and offer to push their cart to their car. Look like you’re exerting tremendous effort while doing this.

You will get 10 points for each customer you rescue. This is repeatable 3 times, so you could earn a total of 30 points.

To document your heroism, submit photo or video evidence showing you pushing someone’s loaded shopping cart and working really hard at it.

  • You must be wearing a complete superhero costume. Homemade is fine.
  • The shopping cart you push must have items in it, but it doesn’t have to be completely full.
  • You must be exerting maximum effort to push the shopping cart. This is not easy. You are a hero doing something very difficult.

Now, go forth and make someone's day just a little better. 

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