A true sorority woman, part one

A true sorority woman is genuinely & wholeheartedly committed to living the values, ideals & principles of her organization in everything that she does.

A true sorority woman is a mentor as well as a positive role model & inspiration to her chapter, to the new members of her organization, to alumnae, to women who are thinking about/planning on joining a Sorority/women’s Fraternity, to her college/university, to her college’s/university’s Greek community & to other sorority women in her college’s/university’s Panhellenic community.

A true sorority woman believes in doing more-than-amazing things which make her chapter, her Sorority/Fraternity & her college’s/university’s Greek community stand out in a positive & beneficial way.

A true sorority woman makes the most of her opportunities to do more, care more, achieve more & be more.

A true sorority woman believes in inspiring, seeking, living & achieving greatness/her personal best, inspiring her sisters to do likewise.

A true sorority woman does her part to live & promote her organization’s sisterhood every chance that she gets.

A true sorority woman lives out her sisterhood day in & day out, revealing to Greeks & non-Greeks alike how much she loves her Sorority/Fraternity, why she loves her Sorority/Fraternity as much as she does, how highly she regards/appreciates her Sorority/Fraternity & how her Sorority/Fraternity is impacting/enriching her life for the better.

A true sorority woman continues doing her part to shatter the stereotypes which non-Greeks have always held about sororities & Greek life in general.

A true sorority woman keeps explaining to & showing others all of the more-than-amazing things that her Sorority/Fraternity does on campus, in the local community & beyond.

A true sorority woman keeps inspiring, encouraging & empowering other women to go Greek or at least see if Greek life is something that they would be interested in.