Me, in Focus


Welcome to my virtual gallery of self-portraits.

I turned the camera to the mirror in May of 2010 when I noticed how very few pictures I had of myself. I also realized that as a soon to be divorced, partner-less, mother of two, I have few people to regularly capture my image during my current time of re-inventing, re-discovering myself.

As I pose, shoot, and edit these pictures, I learn so much about myself—more than I ever thought I could simply by using a camera—with me as the focus.

My decision to capture my image that day, turned into an almost daily activity, and then into a body of work. As I share this experience, I am hopeful that my exploration will inspire others to focus their cameras on themselves, with the images then helping them on a path to find their life's focus.

So far, I take all my pictures in a mirror (or several), with me having a direct physical connection to the camera. I realize that a remote and a tripod might be handy (and traditional) tools to employ, and I will eventually use them somewhat. I enjoy the challenge, the limitations, and the flexibility of my current dynamic, though. I shoot 99% of my photos with a Nikon D5000—with electrical tape covering up its distinctive markings. Someday I would like to employ a Canon 5D mark II. Someday....


"In a photo, you can be anyone you want to be, whereas in a mirror, you can only be yourself. I am hopeful that, eventually, I can be both. "


Several followers have asked who I am. Knowing who you are is a life-long process for everyone, since we are always changing, even if only slightly. My best description, currently, is as follows:

Other than having this strange blog with copious pictures I took of myself, I am someone you might see on the sidelines of a soccer game, or say hi to in the grocery store; a former stay-at-home mom learning how to balance work and kids while staying true to myself and sane. This blog seems to serve as my diary, therapist, and creative outlet. Statistically, I am a 38 year old, 135 pound, ukulele playing, camera wielding, story-telling, former competitive weightlifting, yoga practicing, girl-next-door, friend, daughter, sister, divorced single mother of two.

I am also someone who is living out the quintessential American dream—reinvention of the self.

I hope you enjoy your time perusing my posts, if you have something to say or ask, please do. If you are new to my blog, I recommend checking out the "archive" link, in the bottom right, to get an overall view of my project. High-resolution images can be viewed by mousing over a picture, and clicking on the circular icon appearing in the center.

Twitter, Facebook, email, and the "ask" links are all attended to (with varying degrees of frequency).

"Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are." —Oscar Wilde

❤ Heather



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